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Wind turbines

Discover the wind power business


MALTEP supports the Civil Engineers in the realization of earthing of wind farms

French expert in grounding and lightning protection MALTEP accompanies you in order to propose technical solutions, advice and materials adapted to your projects.

MALTEP has already participated in the study, the qualification and the supply of grounding solutions for several wind farms in France:

Old Ruffec Farm

Nouvions Farm and extensions 1 to 8

Guerlesquin Farm

Saint-Morand Farm

Mayenne Farm

Moulins-Sur-Orne Farm​​

Méharicourt Farm (Daisies Farm)

Tupigny Farm

Blueberries Farm

Fécamp Farm

Mont de l'échelle Farm

Wind power in France

French Onshore Wind Energy


1047 MW


836 MW


4445 MW​


3603 MW


89 MW​


1012 MW


1255 MW


808 MW


1049 MW


552 MW


1630 MW

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

1630 MW

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

18 MW

The French fleet is the fourth largest in Europe with 16.5 GW of installed capacity in 2019. In 2020, wind power produced 36 TWh of electricity and represented 8% of the French energy park.

In 2019, 3 regions account for nearly 60% of the national wind power generation. These are the Grand-Est (7.67 TWh), Hauts de France (8.95 TWh) and Occitanie (3.75 TWh).

French offshore wind energy

At this time, French wind farms are exclusively located on land, but 7 offshore wind farms are currently under development. The projects in Fécamp (Seine-Maritime), Courseulles-sur-Mer (Calvados), Saint Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), Le Tréport (Seine-Maritime), Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d'Armor) and Noirmoutier (Vendée) and most recently Dunkerque (Nord-pas-de-Calais) make up this first batch of offshore wind farms, with a total capacity of approximately 3,900 MW. These farms are scheduled to be commissioned between 2022 and 2027.

Sources: EDF

Wind power worldwide

Onshore wind power worldwide

Germany has the largest wind farm (60.8 GW of installed capacity), ahead of Spain (25.7 GW) and the UK (23.9 GW). Although a pioneer, Europe has quickly been supplanted by the United States and Asia in terms of wind power production.

In 2018 the share of electricity production by wind turbines in the world was 4.8%. This makes it the 2nd largest renewable energy source behind hydro.

China is the world's largest producer of wind power with 358 TWh, or almost 30% of global production. They are followed by the Americans with 303.4 TWh, while Germany is a good 3rd with a production capacity of 126 TWh.

Offshore wind power worldwide

Between 2018 and 2019 global offshore wind power generation capacity saw a 26% jump from 23.12 to 29.13 GW.

The 3 largest global offshore wind farms in 2019 were owned by the UK (9.723 GW), Germany (7.49 GW) and China (6.83 GW). Europe therefore retains a large lead in offshore production.

Sources: EDF


Energy transition law for green growth

Published on August 18, 2015, the law on the energy transition for green growth (LTECV) strengthens the legislation aimed at increasing the share of green energy in French electricity production. The ultimate goal of this law was to fight against climate change and increase the purchasing power of the French while creating new jobs by making these tools available to individuals, companies, and communities.

With this law, France has set itself the goal of achieving 32% of renewable energy in its total consumption by 2030.

Autres mesures phares de la loi

  • Renovation of the existing wind farms
  • Improving the energy and environmental performance of new wind turbines
  • Development of clean transports
  • Fight against waste and promotion of the circular economy
  • Strengthening nuclear safety
  • Simplification of procedures and clarification of the control environment
  • Fight against fuel poverty
